It is a common practice to utilize remote repositories when collaborating with a team. One thing to keep in mind is that the branch that you wish to switch to should already exist in the directory you are working on. Executing the following command will point HEAD to the tip of the given branch name. Switching branches, as the name suggests, is quite a straightforward operation. By default, git checkout -b will base the new branch off the current HEAD where HEAD is Git’s way of referring to the current snapshot. Another command, which is given below, can be passed with an additional branch parameter in git checkout to base a new branch off of the existing branch. to branch off only after creating a new branch. Option -b is a flag that is used to tell Git to run git checkout only after running git branch, i.e. The above example not only creates but also checks out a simultaneously. Once created, you can then use the given below command to switch to that branch. The git branch command is used to create a new branch. Git checkout works intimately with the git branch. Git branch is integrated with git checkout commands to overcome these shortcomings. This is where git checkout comes into the picture. But, it doesn’t let you put an already forked history back together or switch between branches. The git branch command lets you rename and list branches in addition to creating and deleting them.
#Git switch vs checkout code
This way, it becomes harder for an unstable or dissimilar code to get fused into the master code repository and also allows the possibility to make your future’s history cleaner before integrating it into the master branch. Whenever you want to fix some bugs or add new features-irrelevant to how big or small it is-you can create a new branch to reflect and encase your changes. They are a very efficient pointer to a reflection of the recent changes. In Git, branches are an extremely important part of the day-to-day development process. If you want to check out and move to a particular file status, the following command is to be used. The command for switching is will create a new branch with the contents of the master and switch to a newly created branch such that the changes will be reflected in the new branch. Suppose if you are at the master branch, then You can create a new branch using the flag -b. To check out and go to a particular status of a particular file.To switch between existing local branches.To create a new branch from the current branch.It can also be used for switching between existing local branches. The command git checkout is used to check out the desired status of your repository, be it any branch or a particular file. To make a new branch git checkout command is used. To avoid any confusion and proper documentation purposes, it is advisable to make a new branch and work in that temporary branch. When you clone a repository, you start on the local repository’s master branch by default. The only thing to have in mind is the fact that switch & restore are still marked as experimental, so I wouldn't use them for creating long-living scripts or so.The command git clone is used to fetch the desired repository from the remote git server to a local computer, and this process is known as cloning. So, to sum up, there is no difference between the git switch and git checkout in terms of switching branches and there is no difference between git restore and git checkout in terms of restoring changes for files or commits. That's why there were two new commands introduced restore to allow restoring changes and switch to allow operations on branches. The problem that was noticed by some of the users is the fact that operation on commits/files & operation on branches are quite different and having them grouped by a single command can be troublesome. Previously, you could use the git checkout to switch to a different branch, but also you could use it to restore changes from some specific commit or even to restore the changes for a single file. The idea to create the git switch & git restore because they were introduced together, arose from multiple questions & issues that new users had with git checkout. Generally, as it was mentioned in the comments there is no actual difference between git switch & git checkout in terms of what You can do with branches.